Is A Vocal Cord Surgery Always Required To Treat The Vocal Problems?

When we speak or sing, there are many factors that come together in order to produce sound. Our lungs provide the power, our vocal cords make the sound and the rest of the throat and mouth alter that sound into what others listen to. As for the vocal cords, they are very small muscles covered by a very thin lining which allows for vibration in a very controlled manner. All of these parts must work together in order to create a normal voice.

In the case of vocal professionals: like singers, actors, public speakers, etc, they experience the most strain on the vocal cords, as they tend to use their voices more often than other individuals. In the case of professional singers, they are truly vocal athletes who put their voices beyond what most people can; and by doing that, their vocal cords can get damaged and may lead to vocal traumas such as vocal cord polyps, nodules, cysts, lesions, bleeding vocal cords, etc.

A vocal cord polyp is an abnormal growth on the surface of the vocal cord. This mainly affects how the vocal cord(s) vibrate; and thus, as a result, affects the quality of your voice.

The very first important step in treating a polyp is to modify your vocal behavior. Nevertheless, for voice professionals, this can be tough, as it may effect their actual performances.

Along with the behavioral changes, it is also necessary to treat any underlying medical issues that can be a major factor for the inflammation of the vocal cords. Those medical conditions include: allergy, acid reflux, asthma, etc.

These vocal problems are not only limited to singers. Other voice professionals such as lawyers, teachers, salespeople, and even receptionists, are also at higher risk of various vocal cord problems. The best nonsurgical treatments can be used to assist vocal cord disorders.

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair can help with non-invasive treatments for any voice disorders; vocal cord polyps included.

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Voice Training Can Be An Effective Solution For Your Voice Problems

Vocal abuse is a common problem among many people, including Singers, Speakers, teachers, coaches, politicians, actors, etc. However, it is not only professionals who can experience this vocal abuse. Anyone who shouts a lot during events (for example: cheering for their favorite sports team, or who speaks for wide lengths of time is a candidate) can eventually succumb to vocal problems down the road. Even if your profession is just talking on the phone 8 hours a day, you may find that you have a persistent sore throat, hoarseness or even loss of voice at the end of the day.

While a surgery may be an option for your problem, if you continue to use your voice in the same manner as before, the vocal problems can occur again. The only answer to this problem is to learn to place and use your voice properly.vocal_cord_inflammation

If you are also one who is suffering from the voice problem, it is mandatory for you to learn to power your sound by means of your facial cavities. By doing this, you will not only eliminate your vocal abuse, but will also get a richer, warmer and more mature-sounding voice that will have more projection without shouting. With this difference in your voice, you’ll be amazed to know how you sound and how your voice feels when you make use of your facial cavities while speaking!

In order to use your facial cavities for sound production, the best way to go is to learn special vocal exercises from Vocal Science. This can be very helpful in improving your singing and can really help with some of the areas that you may need to improve, like using your facial cavities, in conjunction and coordination with your abdominal muscles. The Vocal Science program will help you to make an immediate improvement in your voice and will make a definitive difference in your singing and vocal ability altogether.

How To Get Your Voice Back – Embrace The Process.

Step 1.

  • Identify the vocal problem itself in order to get your voice back.

Perhaps, you have noticed that your voice (Speaking and/or singing) is not working in the same capacity as it once was. Obviously you are puzzled and concerned. At this point, you have to come to terms that something is not the same and begin to accept that fact.


Step 2.

  • Identify the cause of such occurrence.

Please try to analyze what could have caused your voice problem in the first place. Please try to “rewind” all the possible facts, which could have lead to such an ordeal. You might think of any medical/surgical procedures you might have undergone in the not very distant past. You might think of a ball game you might have attended with your kids, or a concert of your Idol singing.

In this instance, you would possibly be able to recall how excited you were then, during the events, & how loud you were cheering for the performers in the field.

Also, it probably would not hurt to look at your personal relationship with your spouse and your children. Have you been shouting a lot lately? Have you, perhaps, been under a lot of stress at work and/or at home?

All of the above factors (and many others) could easily aid to a voice problem. When you are in the moment, you are not paying attention how loud you speak or scream. The consequences will haunt you later.

Step 3.

  • Do not ‘sugarcoat’ your feelings; rather, embrace it with a grain of sault.

That alone will help you immensely to get your voice back in a fast and efficient manner.

When you start experiencing some changes in your voice, please DO NOT pretend that nothing happened and do not convince yourself that it is just temporary and you will feel better tomorrow. Unfortunately, you might not feel better tomorrow, as the damage has already been done and it will not go away on its own.

It might require some further investigation and medical (or alternative) assistance.

Step 4.

  • Outline your goal for the best possible recovery of your vocal problem and enjoy getting there.

Once you are able to face the fact that you do have a vocal problem, please embrace this fact and outline the goal to get your voice back. It might, not necessarily, be an easy road, but please try to enjoy the process towards achieving your main goal – getting your voice back.

Voice Therapy: A Safe Non-Surgical Way To Treat Your Vocal Abuse

The voice is perhaps one of the important functions of the human body, as it permits you to express your thoughts and opinions and communicate with others. A good voice comes from two major components which are healthy vocal folds and healthy voice use. It is very common for a professional voice user or a singer to have vocal complaints. In these cases, there is a chance that the technique or usage of the voice causes this problem. Voice therapy is geared towards this part of the problem.

What is Voice therapy?

It is the practice of treating your voice in a non-surgical way by emphasizing the healthy voice use. A highly effective method to treat your voice without any need of surgery, this therapy is also effective in optimizing the surgical outcome by minimizing strain on the vocal cords. The therapy utilizing highly individualized exercises and techniques that help you to:

  • Optimize the voice

  • Eliminate the harmful vocal use

  • Strengthen your vocal folds

  • Assist in pre-operative and post-operative voice use

  • Adjust your lifestyle and behaviors that cause vocal abuse

  • Educate you about good vocal use

Why should one have this therapy?

Vocal therapy is a safe and very effective alternative to voice surgery because it teaches those with voice disorders beneficial voice habits, guarantees a strong voice for a longer period of time, as well as also reduces the risk of your voice disorders in the future.

An effective way to treat all types of voice disorders, this therapy may be insufficient in the diagnosis of a polyp or cyst. In these situations, Vocal Cord Surgery may be necessary. However, it should never be the only treatment, voice therapy is also necessary to ensure optimal outcomes. The purpose of voice therapy is not only to provide therapeutic techniques to cure a voice disorder but to also uplift beneficial voice habits to ensure a healthy voice.

Who provides voice therapy?

This therapy is a highly specialized form of general speech therapy and is performed by a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. These pathologists undergo specialized training to become voice therapists, ensuring they are skilled in the treatment of the injured voice with therapy. This specialized therapy helps you in different ways like:

  • Vocal rehabilitation

  • Training for proper vocal hygiene

  • Optimal pitch training

  • Trans-gendered voice

  • Therapy for high-endurance voice

  • Therapy for pre-operative patients, to improve surgical outcomes

  • Therapy for post-operative patients, to optimize wound healing

Treat Your Vocal Cord Dysfunction With Specialized Breathing Exercises

Vocal cord dysfunction means that your vocal cords are not working normally. With VCD, instead of your vocal cords opening up while you breathe in and out, your vocal cords close. A combining approach with a physician, a voice specialist, speech therapist and a psychiatrist, if needed, is usually effective to meet these problems head-on.

Common signs and symptoms of VCD: Most of the patients with Vocal Cord Dysfunction have relatively mild symptoms, although some of the patients may have severe symptoms.

  • Noisy breathing (wheezing or raspy sound)

  • Hoarse voice

  • Feeling short of breath

  • Tightness in the throat or chest.

  • A frequent cough or clearing your throat.

  • A feeling of choking or suffocation

Treatment of Vocal cord dysfunction:

VCD is different than any other breathing problems, as medications are not the only treatment for it. The mainstay of treating such dysfunction involves teaching patients the vocal cord techniques and breathing exercises by a voice specialist who holds immense experience in it. The techniques you’ll learn help you to improve your ability to relax to your throat muscles. While this therapy, you have to meet with a therapist, at least, three to four times to learn these techniques. Moreover, you will need to practice these exercises even when you are not having VCD, so you can control the symptoms before they take a severe form. Besides, if your voice problem is triggered by asthma or acid reflux (GERD), it is important to talk to your healthcare provider to get control of these problems.

Based in Ontario, Canada, The Royans Institute for Non-surgical Voice Repair employs specially designed speech exercises with trained voice specialists/speech therapists who teach you the right voice techniques and breathing exercises to protect and save your voice for life.

Treat and cure your vocal cord injury with appropriate non-surgical treatment

Vocal cords in your vocal box are not just a string, but in actual they are folds of tissues with a very delicate lining on the outside. Just like any other tissue in your body, they can also get strained in uneven conditions. Sometimes, inappropriate use of voice or any other health problems can be subjected to their damage, trauma and infections. Normally, people don’t give any attention to their strained vocal cords until unless any major problem arises. People who use their voice exclusively loud, prolonged or in an insufficient way can also lead to the risk of the vocal cord problems. It is just like an improper lifting that can cause an injury in your back. Some of the common misuses of the voice is speaking in noisy places, using inappropriate pitch, excessive cellular phone use and much more.

In most of the cases, people with such injured vocal cords are professional singers, voice-over artists, public speakers and ordinary people with speech problems. When it comes to recovery of their voice, the lack of patience, of people worsens the condition. Once they feel some improvement in their voice in comparison to before, they try to overuse or misuse it in different ways. There are also various complications to your vocal cords, especially when the diagnosis and treatment are too late. The lead in this vocal cords strains results in decreased range, inability to hold a pitch steadily, throat discomfort or pain and even complete voice loss.

In order to get control on this problem, people seek out medical consultation and get help from the ENT specialists. The treatment is more effective when the problem is diagnosed early and correctly. With the appropriate treatment, it is possible to resolve vocal cords injury. However, some medical treatment can not fix your problem quickly. The right alternative is to select a natural and comprehensive approach which can treat your vocal damages or disorders without surgery.

Including natural herbs and remedies, this unique treatment is a safe and effective method to your vocal disorder. Along with this, this treatment also includes classes for vocal therapy. This therapy is precisely designed with various speech exercises for the people to teach them how to speak with the minimal or required use of the vocal box. Moreover, exercises for getting relaxed and stress reduction techniques are also taught.

Once you’ll get the right voice technique, you’ll not only protect your voice for life but also can use it to the fullest capacity.

Healing nodules and other vocal problem with non-surgical voice repair program

At times, all of us have experienced vocal problems be it hoarseness or inability to communicate or speak anything properly. Perhaps, most of the people take their voice for granted. They don’t give much thought to how the vocal folds produce voice and so, misuse their voice. From hoarseness, scratchy throat, unpleasing tone or pitch of voice to inability to produce voice clearly and complete voice loss, the symptoms range limitlessly.

At some point in their lives, on an approx, 1 out of 3 people have faced hoarseness of voice and so, this is one of the most common vocal complains. This is generally the outcome of benign conditions like cold, sore throat and at times, overuse or misuse of voice. As is persists for weeks, it can’t be ignored and in serious cases needs medical attention. Another voice related problem that arises is vocal nodules and these benign growths occur in vocal cords as a result of vocal abuse (like loud or excessive talking and shouting frequently). Due to vocal abuse or misuse, there may be the times, when the person experiences soreness and tightness in throat and scratchy voice that tires easily. Inefficient use of voice, use of wrong speaking patterns while communicating and straining the vocal cords also leads to complete voice loss.

When the situation worsens with straining the voice, several people consider medical help and in severe cases, consider surgery. What if, the same problem can be solved without surgical treatment and it takes few days to get rid of a specific vocal problem? Surely, there is a non-surgical way of dealing with vocal nodules, vocal paralysis, polyps and all other vocal problems. With the application of natural herbs and remedies onto the vocal box, it will heal simultaneously. Along with this, in The Royan Institute of Non-Sergical Voice Repair, you not only repair your voice but also learn how to speak and sing up to the professional standards. With their revolutionary approach, any vocal dysfunction can be treated with herbal remedies and alongside, you are taught to minimize the use of vocal cord and throat for securing your voice.

Based in Toronto, Canada, this institute works with a wide spectrum of clientèle. With a innovative vocal development technique, people also learn how to speak and sing correctly in a short time period. The revolutionary vocal science repair program is for anyone who seeks expert help for healing the symptoms of vocal problem. Whether you are a professional singer, motivational speaker or someone who wants to use your voice correctly, necessary instructions will be delivered to you in their coaching classes for outstanding results. For producing naturally structured, supported and placed voice, getting trained with their specialist is a brilliant idea.

laryngitis treatment : Prevention and cure with vocal therapy

Being a physical task, speaking or singing need proper coordination between muscles groups and breathing. It is no surprise that just like other physical activities, singing and speaking are also done in proper and improper ways. Most of the professional speakers and singers with hardcore fans have also been misusing their voices and perhaps, they have done this this unknowingly for a long time. While they experienced vocal problems, they have been pushing their voice harder and jeopardizing their vocal cords. Just like improper physical activities can bring you injury, using excessively loud voice and its misusing can result in vocal difficulties. Straining your vocal cords or increased vocal efforts result in inflammation of voice box (laryngitis) and in certain cases may end up in more serious issues for which surgical treatment is to be taken.

Laryngitis is most commonly caused due to misuse of voice or acid reflux. Generally, one can experience hoarseness and swelling in the tissues of larynx. When the vocal cords swell, while speaking these vibrate differently and this results in hoarseness. Whenever you misuse or overuse the voice, you also put your vocal cords at serious risk of developing benign growths like lesions, polyps and throat nodules. Several people who need to speak in noisy situations and sing at low and high pitch often forget that their vocal cords and not made up of steel. Using inappropriate pitch while signing or speaking is improper voice application and in certain cases, where people have been putting more strain on their vocal cords, they have completely lost their voices. When considering surgery is not a prudent step, what will be the most viable treatment for laryngitis? Prevention can help you out! To avoid any sort of vocal cord injury, the first viable thing to do is to use your voice appropriately. With holistic voice therapy, you’ll be able to lean how to coordinate you muscle groups appropriately so that you can speak and sing to professional standards without putting your vocal cords at risk.

Secondly, if you’re already suffering from vocal disorder, do not go for costly and risky treatments like vocal cord surgeries. The non-surgical voice repair treatment for laryngitis includes the use of natural herbs and remedies onto vocal box. Later on, the patient is taught how to use voice correctly so that there is minimal stain over vocal cords and throat. When the natural remedies are used and voice is not used excessively, the vocal problems heal simultaneously and the patient experiences astounding, voice repairing results. Once you learn how to use the voice appropriately, your vocal cords are secured for life. Alongside, as a singer or professional speaker, you’ll always feel confident with your voice applications and can deliver outstanding performance on any occasion.

An overview about Vocal cord dysfunction

Sometime, your voice loud harshly and you feel voice change and coughing in your throat. This change in voice can be cause by the overuse of voice, singing, gastroesophageal reflux disease or cold. The voice disorder can be to anyone, but no matter what the reason is, unable to speak properly is a serious problem. Most of the people are unknown about this condition, causes and effective treatment. Don’t be confused, here we’ll provide a detailed information about vocal disorder.


A vocal disorder occurs when the vocal cords do not open correctly. This disorder is widely known as Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD). In this case, the vocal cords close instead of opening when you breathe in and out.

Symptoms of VCD

A person with VCD, have problem in taking proper breathe. They feel hard to take the air in or out through lungs. As well as, a feeling of tightness in the throat, noisy breathing, frequent cough or clearing your throat and hoarse voice are also a strong symptom of this dysfunction.

Causes of VCD

The VCD may be caused by upper respiratory infection (cold), strong odors, tobacco smoke, post-nasal drip, acid reflux (GERD), strong emotions, stress, etc. Some time, it is also possible that no cause can be found.

Diagnose of VCD

Diagnose of VCD can be challenging, as the symptoms and triggers for VCD and asthma can be similar. In test, if it is found that you have asthma, it can be improve only by medicines. But if you are suffering only with the VCD, the bronchodilator will not work. Your health experts can find out if you have VCD after doing test of your breathing and looking at vocal cords. If symptoms develop, a breathing test such as spirometry or laryngoscopy will be done to confirm the abnormal closure of the vocal cords.

Treatment for VCD

VCD is much different than any other Vocal cord injury, because this can not be treated only by medicines. The main remedy for the VCD is to relax your throat muscles by speech therapy techniques. This therapy is taught by speech therapists who holds immense experience and knowledge in VCD treatment. After having three to four sessions for therapy and daily practice, you will learn the vocal cord relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. Another important part of treatment is supportive counseling that can help to identify and deal positively with stress that may be an underlying factor in VCD. Most people feels that counseling is very beneficial in treatment of VCD. On the other hand, if your VCD is triggered by acid reflux (GERD) then it is important to talk to your health experts about what you can do to control these.

Treat your Injured vocal cords by conventional vocal coaching

There are various types of vocal cord damage which are caused by a variety of factors like illness or any type of injury. Vocal cord abuse is a major reason for the damage, but the noticeable point is that it can be avoided. Vocal cord abuse can be a serious problem, if it is continued or untreated. This can cause a complete change in your voice, temporary voice loss or even permanent damage. Abusing vocal cords mainly refers to use the voice in the much an inappropriate way, such as screaming or when a person spend much time in rehearsing for a singing, acting performance or speaking. Those persons who do impressions or sound effects can find their coal nodules are irritated. This overuse or minor misuse tends to be temporary abuse.

Although, the treatment for vocal cord damage includes easy tasks like changing bad habits or breaking their performing exercises. But, in some cases this will require surgery. Anyone who feels that he/she is suffering from injured vocal cords should consult with a health care provider. Waiting can results the more serious condition. The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, serving in Toronto, Canada is dealing to resolve your vocal problems. They make use of non surgical methods, herbal remedies and conventional vocal coaching heal your vocal cord injury. Moreover, they also employ a revolutionary approach to voice mechanics and minimize the use of your throat, larynx and vocal chords. All these exercises and remedies are more beneficial for anyone and especially for singers to make their voice more unique.