How are Damaged Vocal Disorders Diagnosed and Repaired?

There have been many recognitions found that cause voice or vocal disorders. Whereas diagnosis was once very basic, relying primarily on the ears and eyes of the physician, today a variety of diagnostic techniques are available which have more accurate and complete diagnosis and subsequent improved treatment. Despite, this improvement in diagnosis, finding the correct or full etiology of a voice disorder can be challenging.

Although we all know that the most frequent cause of damaged vocal cords or voice disorders is misuse or abuse of the voice, physicians need to work with a patient and find out the other possible causes of their vocal cord damage. A few of the very common reasons for vocal cord damage is acid reflux laryngitis, yelling or screaming. According to some researches, it has been found that reflux laryngitis is one of the very common reasons for vocal cord disorders, along with laryngeal paresis.

Symptoms of a damaged vocal cords

People who use their voice for work – like teachers, singers, and politicians, are at risk of vocal cord disorders. The main symptom of damaged vocal cords is a sudden change in the voice. Additional symptoms can include:

  • Voice has become raspy or hoarse
  • Pitch of the voice sounds deeper
  • High notes are harder to hit when singing
  • Talking has become more difficult or painful
  • Need to clear the throat frequently

With vocal cord disorders, symptoms can also include trouble in breathing. The throat can feel tight; however, the above-mentioned symptoms usually come and go.

When to see a doctor

Ask a healthcare provider if:

  • Your voice does not feel normal in 2-4 weeks after a cold or illness.
  • You can’t speak completely for more than a few days.
  • You feel trouble in breathing.
  • A change in your voice lasts longer than a month.

Your health care expert may recommend you to see an ENT doctor or an alternative non-surgical voice repair specialist.

Treatment for vocal cord disorders

Vocal cord disorders caused by vocal abuse or misuse are easily preventable. Besides, most disorders of vocal cords can be reversed. How to repair damaged vocal cords will be specifically determined by your doctor or an alternative voice repair specialist, while keeping in mind a few points:

  • Your age, overall health, and medical history
  • Extent and type of vocal cord disorders
  • Expectations for the course of treatment and recovery

Treatment for your damaged vocal cords may include resting the voice, eliminating the harmful behavior/habits or changing the lifestyle causing vocal cord disorders or the best non-surgical form of speech therapy. Yes, your health expert may recommend visiting a voice & speech specialist who has special training in treating your voice disorder, speech problem, or even swallowing difficulties – all of which can also negatively affect your communication.

For more information on voice recovery and enhancement, check out the official website of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair.

What are Vocal Cord Disorders caused by Acid Reflux? Is there any Treatment Available?

What are vocal cord disorders?

Humans verbally communicate using the larynx – which is also known as the voice box. Inside the voice box, there are two vocal cords which play a major role in producing your voice, enabling the ability to talk. The vocal cords (or folds) vibrate inside the larynx and air passes through it from the lungs – and that produces the voice. The size and shape of vocal cords help to determine the sound of each person.

What causes vocal cord disorders?

Vocal abuse or misuse is often the prime cause of vocal disorders. The vocal abuse may be caused by using your voice too much, as well as by incorrect singing, constant yelling, continuous coughing or excessive talking in high volume. Although, acid reflux can also harm your vocal cords – which can affect the quality of your voice.

Acid reflux is also known as GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).  This is a condition that makes stomach acid wash back up into the esophagus. The main symptom of this problem is heartburn, but GERD can also negatively affect your voice – as stomach acid irritates your vocal cords, throat, and esophagus. This causes a hoarse voice as well as an accumulation of access mucus in your throat.

What are the symptoms of injured vocal cords?

Each person suffering from vocal disorders can have different symptoms based on the type of vocal cord disorder. The main symptom may include hoarseness or a change in your voice – like a low and breathy voice. Sometimes, these disorders may also cause trouble when it comes to swallowing and coughing.

How are vocal disorders diagnosed?

If you have hoarseness or change in voice that lasts longer than 2 weeks, you must see your health expert as soon as possible. Your medical expert will ask about your complete health history and also ask for physical exams. The health expert can also diagnose your vocal cords using a laryngoscope. After diagnosis, the physician may recommend that you see a voice repair specialist.

How to treat your vocal disorders?

For those seeking how to heal vocal cords from acid reflux, it depends on how severe your condition is. First of all, you need to treat your acid reflux which, no doubt, can be the main reason for your injured vocal cords. Another step… avoiding the foods and beverages that trigger the symptoms of acid reflux. Along with this, some other steps that you can take are the following:

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day and modify the way of your eating.
  • If you are addicted to smoke, quit it.
  • Eat at least 2-3 hours before lying down on the bed.
  • Don’t wear tight clothes or belts.
  • If you’re overweight or obese, lose your weight and commit to changes in your diet and lifestyle.
  • Also, ask your doctor whether any medication could be triggering the acid reflux disorder.

Apart from this, there is an effective form of voice therapy which is the best method when it comes to treating Acid Reflux Affecting Voice. This therapy is usually provided by a voice repair specialist who is trained and experienced in treating these disorders.

Learning these innovative speech techniques provided by the voice repair specialists takes regular practice. You will need to practice them even when you don’t have serious vocal disorders, so you will be able to control the symptoms before they turn into a severe condition.


To learn what it tales to effectively treat vocal cord damage caused by acid reflux, visit the official website of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair.

Voice Damage caused by Acid Reflux

Get the best non-surgical treatment to heal your vocal cords from acid reflux


Depending on the severity of the disease and individuals’ body condition, acid reflux may differ from one person to another. Unfortunately, there is not any one-fit solution available for acid reflux.

Changing your lifestyle

In most cases where acid reflux is present, the person has to  adopt lifestyle changes and also try to seek a natural cure for it. That, most likely, will allow to control the pain and discomfort which is usually associated withthe acid reflux disease.Other lifestyle changes include avoiding excessive eating of highly-acidic foods, alcohol consumption, coffee drinking, and, of course, smoking.

 Over-the-counter acid reflux medicine

If lifestyle changes are not sufficient, you may have to resort to over-the-counter acid reflux medicine. Over-the-counter medicines that are not meant to treat acid reflux symptoms are a common choice for millions of people daily. They function well in calming the acid reflux symptoms such as heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux such as indigestion. Although, these medicines have some harmful side effects that one should take note of. Some of these are constipation or diarrhea, stomach cramps and/or increased levels of thirst.

 Speech therapy treatment

For those who do not wish to depend on medication indefinitely, or the medication is simply ineffective, the last option is to opt for speech therapy for rectify one’s acid reflux affecting voice. Some speech therapists suggest to some people to speak with a quiet voice -which actually may help lower the risk for GERD complications.

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair provides you with private voice repair and voice restoration specialists who help you to treat your voice safely and in a non-surgical way. Book your appointment today to get assistance in the treatment of your vocal problems caused by Acid reflux.

Nonetheless, The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair will help you to learn how to heal vocal cords from Acid Reflux.

What is voice hoarseness or damaged vocal cords and how to repair it?

A lot of people, at one time or another, lose their voice or experience hoarseness – like, for example, when the person catches a bad cold, or after the person had been screaming loudly at any public event, the voice can very easily become hoarse and raspy. Sometimes, it could be temporary. But most of the times, these vocal problems persist – and that is when you need to take action to avoid long-term or permanent damage.


What if you have damaged your voice?

If you have one or two episodes of straining your voice and it gets a little hoarse, you probably have not done any serious damage. And is, by the next day, your voice is back to normal, there is no need to worry. But if you have hoarseness that lasts for more than 2 weeks, it’s time to see a vocal specialist and find out how to repair damaged vocal cords.

What to expect during a vocal care appointment?

If you’re a professional voice user, you need to see a laryngologist to get a diagnosis. After the above-described visit, you can choose to visit an alternative voice repair specialist.

At The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, after just a few sessions conducted by their voice specialist, you will feel like you are producing a more healthy sound. You will be taught to translate those invaluable skills into daily conversation which, to do so, takes practice and repetition. All you need to do is to stick with their unique instruction and  natural treatment in order to rectify your particular voice/vocal problems.

Embark Onto The Unique & Revolutionary Vocal Science™ Method, Designed To Help Recover, Treat And Restore Your Hoarse And Raspy Voice Back To Normal

What is hoarseness – hoarse voice?
Hoarseness is an abnormal change in the voice that is generally caused by various factors. The voice may have changes in pitch and volume, ranging from a deep hoarse voice to a weak raspy voice.

What causes hoarseness?

A hoarse voice is generally caused by the irritation of, or injury to, the vocal cords. The larynx is the portion of the respiratory tract containing the vocal cords. Hoarseness is caused by several physical factors. The most common cause of hoarseness is acute laryngitis – caused mostly by upper respiratory tract infection, as well as from overuse or misuse of the voice, such as from yelling or  improper singing.

  • Other causes of hoarseness include:
  • vocal cord nodules,
  • cysts or polyps,
  • gastroesophageal reflux (GERD),
  • smoking,
  • allergies,
  • neurological conditions
  • Environmental conditions, etc.

Signs and symptoms
Hoarseness typically gives the voice a raspy and harsh quality and, nevertheless, it will most likely cause a change in the pitch and volume of the voice. The rapidity of onset of any associated symptoms will depend on the underlying causes leading to hoarseness and raspiness.

Treatment of hoarseness
Of course, you’re reading this blog to find out “How to treat hoarse voice?”
The treatment of the hoarseness depends on its underlying cause, for example; medications for GERD or for allergies can treat hoarseness, if either of these is found to be the underlying cause. Individuals with hoarseness caused by vocal overuse or misuse are suggested to learn the proper voice/vocal technique coupled not only with medication, but also with natural herbal treatment. Apart from this, specially-developed speech and/or singing exercises can help you to treat your hoarse voice permanently. The Royans Institute for Non-surgical voice repair provides their patients with a unique and revolutionary Voice Repair approach that will not only provide treatment for a hoarse/raspy voice in order to eliminate voice/vocal disorder, but it will also heal and thus strengthen your vocal box.
To Learn more on how the Vocal Science™ method can help restore and improve the quality of your voice, visit the official website ( )

What Is Hoarseness? What Does It Take To Treat A Chronically Hoarse Voice?

Firstly, hoarseness is a symptom, not a disease. It is a general term that means “abnormal changes in ones’ voice”. When you have a hoarse voice, it may sound raspy, breathy, strained or there may be little changes in volume or pitch. The change in sound is usually due to disorders related to the vocal folds, which are the sound-producing parts of the voice box.
There are a large variety of causes for hoarseness; fortunately, most are not serious and tend to go away in a short period of time. If hoarseness lasts for more than two weeks, a visit to your health expert, or a voice specialist, is necessary.
 What causes hoarseness?
  • The common cold, upper respiratory tract infection or viral infections that cause harm to the lungs or throat.
  • Voice abuse: when you use your voice too much, too loudly, or for over extended periods.
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux: When stomach acid comes up to the swallowing tube (oesophagus) and irritates your vocal cords.
  • Smoking, allergies, thyroid problems, neurological disorders, and trauma to the voice box.
Treatment of hoarseness varies depending on the cause of the hoarseness. Most hoarse voice problems can be treated by simply resting the voice, changing your diet, or modifying how the voice is used. Although, one of the best ways of treating a chronically-hoarse voice is to seek a specialized form of voice therapy.
Thats where the Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice repair comes into play.
They specialize in the use of an alternative voice restoration and enhancement technique known as the Vocal Science™ method. With the use of their unique and revolutionary Voice Repair program, they will not only be able to Treat Your Hoarse Voice but they can also eliminate other, more serious, voice/vocal disorders and, in addition, strengthen the vocal box.
This method will also teach you how to use your voice correctly and according to the standards of professional speaking/singing – allowing for a clear, powerful-sounding voice.

Role Of Speech Therapy In The Management Of Voice Affecting With Acid Reflux


No one likes dealing with acid reflux. Indigestion, sour taste in your mouth, and the difficulty in swallowing are all uncomfortable effects of reflux. But did you know that acid reflux can even cause lose your voice? This is called reflux laryngitis. Reflux laryngitis is mainly caused by stomach acid coming up into the esophagus and irritating the larynx. This can cause the chronic swelling of the vocal folds and hoarseness.

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid and contents travel up into the esophagus and possibly into the throat. Common signs include a sour/bitter taste in mouth, burping, nausea, and difficulty in swallowing. Cause of Acid Reflux A persistent reflux can be caused by obesity, diet, food sensitivities and certain behaviors such as bending over, lying down or singing immediately after eating. There are also theories that acid reflux is caused by underproduction of stomach acid. Never underestimate the role stress and anxiety play in your health as well.


Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Scratchy throat/ feeling of something stuck in the throat

Bitter taste in your mouth, especially in the morning

Bad voice quality in the morning

A chronic cough and/or a sore throat

Feel as though there is something stuck in your throat

Prolonged warm-up time needed for the voice

Reduced pitch range

Chronic throat clearing Diagnosis & Treatment The speech therapist at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair treats your reflux with careful diet and lifestyle modifications. The speech therapist acknowledges your condition and recommends you some individual exercises in order to treat your lost voice. Dealing with these exercises regularly and following a healthy lifestyle will help to get your voice back.

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Vocal Science™ – Wondering Who We Are & What We Do…?


  • We are NOT doctors… We, in fact, are practicing alternative and holistic methods applicable to nearly all human health problems, while closely specializing in the Non-Surgical Voice Repair field.
  • We are Natural Practitioners with a holistic approach to voice /vocal mechanics; and while working on the mechanics of the voice we are also employing natural herbal and some mild homeopathic remedies to heal the actual vocal anatomy and, in particular, the disturbed flora of the throat.

Once the voice (given the proper voice application achieved via specially designed – by me – voice exercises) is lifted off of the vocal box and structured and placed in an alternative set of muscles (facial cavities), those remedies will work that much more efficiently and the whole process will help the voice disorder sufferer to not only regain their voice but also achieve the best possible health and nevertheless quality of their newly-found voice. –

For example:

How do we treat voice problems due to acid reflux? – one of the most common labels doctors tag onto voice disorder sufferers:


For the above-described specific situation, my theory is such that the sufferer acquires acid reflux condition only because their voice is positioned in the lower part of their vocal anatomy; and thus makes it very easy for gastric acid to burn the vocal cords.

Therefore, ultimately the acid reflux problem is, no doubt, mainly induced by faulty application of one’s vocal mechanics.

Therefore, under my care, when one’s voice gets lifted (via specially-designed speech exercises) off of the vocal box & off of the vocal cords, the pressure of the sound will be removed from the vocal anatomy; & then the application of the herbal and some homeopathic remedies will become extremely effective.

During the above process, the flora on the bottom of the throat will then heal; and the application of the sufferer’s voice will be entirely changed – which will allow them to comply with the standards of professional speaking and/or singing. The sound of their voice will become restructured into their facial cavities (facial muscles) which will play the role of the natural amplifier (resonator).

By osmosis, the sufferer’s annunciation and pronunciation will become much clearer and much more announced and pronounced. –

Those facial muscles will begin to work in full conjunction and coordination with the abdominal muscles; thus minimizing and practically eliminating the harmful use of their throat, larynx and vocal cords.

Via the proper use of the lower abdomen, the person in question will acquire the needed hight for the sound; and, via the proper use of their upper diaphragm (their rib cage), they will acquire the needed width of the sound (the body of the sound) – which will allow them to achieve increased vocal projection & increased range, volume and overall control of their speaking and/or singing voice.

The above information is the Vocal Science™ Method & Technique, in a nutshell.

To conclude:

Nonetheless, we have great and unprecedented success in this field and it is proven to be one and only in this world which makes sense and produces guaranteed authentic &; desirable results.

Vocal cord paralysis (1)

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Intensive and Alternative Speech Therapy – Help for Post-Accident Survivors to Improve Speech

Body: It is estimated that around one third of people will have some level of communication difficulties (known as aphasia or dysphasia), after a life-altering situation like, for instance, a stroke. At least 40% of post-stroke survivors will initially experience some difficulty breathing and/or speaking/singing.

The problem with being unable to properly use verbal communication (due to the above disorders) can make it more difficult for the sufferer to get and receive proper information when speaking to an individual. It can also affect their relationships and their independence, as well as their level of self-confidence.

It is known that, after intensive and alternative speech therapy, post-accident survivors who had difficulty in speaking or understanding speech, experience a positive transformation with respect to the improvement in their language and communication skills.

Why you need an alternative form of speech therapy?  

Voice specialists assess people with communication difficulties and help them to overcome a range of communication problems. The aim of their form of therapy is to help the voice disorder sufferer recover and improve the level of their speech, as well as the quality of their speaking and/or singing voice.

Where to go for this form of speech therapy?  

For anyone who has had their voice compromised due to serious conditions like a stroke or other traumas, visit The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Their Master Voice Repair Specialist, Diana Yampolsky, can help with any vocal disorders with the use of a revolutionary vocal technique known as the Vocal Science™ Method. This method and technique uses specially-designed speech (and, if applicable, singing) exercises combined with the use of natural herbal remedies to restructure how sound is made thereby restoring or enhancing communicative abilities in the patient.

For more information, visit their website and contact them for more information: | | 416-857-8741

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Infectious or chronic laryngitis – its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Laryngitis is known as an inflammation of the larynx – the voice box which contains the vocal cords. Generally, laryngitis has two forms: acute laryngitis and chronic laryngitis. Acute laryngitis stems from a brief illness which is capable of producing hoarseness and a sore throat; while chronic laryngitis illustrates a more persistent disorder that also produces hoarseness, but is also accompanied with other (and sometimes, drastic) negative voice changes. Symptoms The most common symptom which indicates chronic laryngitis is hoarseness. For this condition to be indicated as “chronic”, consistent hoarseness must persist for around two weeks. Depending on the initial cause and the level of severity, other symptoms of laryngitis may include:

. A low raspy voice
. A voice that easily breaks
. A lump-like feeling in the throat
. Heavy mucus in the throat
. A constant urge to clear the throat
. Discomfort during swallowing
A chronic cough Diagnosis Medical professionals commonly diagnose laryngitis by conducting a physical examination that assesses the ears, nose, throat and (of course) the voice.

In most cases, no additional testing is required. During diagnosis, the physicians and/or voice specialists may also ask questions about the sufferer’s lifestyle, potential exposure to airborne irritants, and other related diseases. If a person possesses chronic hoarseness, the physician may recommend additional testing to fully examine the vocal cords. Anyone with all of the above-mentioned symptoms that last longer than 2 weeks should immediately consult a voice specialist. In certain conditions where advanced complications/problems are present, a physician may refer the laryngitis sufferer to an otolaryngologist – also known as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. On the other hand, the physician, or even the ENT, may refer the laryngitis sufferer to an alternative voice repair specialist.

Treatment If your chronic laryngitis is caused by smoking, alcohol use or work-related exposures, you will be recommended to adapt some changes in your lifestyle and will be advised to follow the standard prevention guidelines. In addition, alternative voice therapy is one of the best forms of treatment for chronic laryngitis. This type of therapy teaches you how to use your voice correctly and how to avoid speaking (or singing, for that matter) in ways that might injure your vocal cords. When to consult a professional Hoarseness that does not go away or keeps coming back after a few weeks should never be ignored because it can be a symptom of severe diseases – even those like head and neck cancers. People who drink or smoke heavily are evidently more at risk. So, if your hoarseness lasts more than 2 weeks, make an appointment to see your doctor and/or an alternative voice repair specialist.

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