What Is Chronic Laryngitis, Its Symptoms And Treatment Options?


What is chronic laryngitis?

Repeated attacks of acute laryngitis that maintains consistency for an extended time period is known as chronic laryngitis. There can be many reasons for this occurrence such as the continuous misuse of the voice, environmental and non-environmental pollutions (inhalation of tobacco or industrial chemicals and natural allergens). These are just a few causes for chronic laryngitis.


Chronic laryngitis usually accumulates very slowly; sometimes the suffer assumes that it is just a cold. The very first symptom is soreness in your throat when speaking, accompanied with a minor voice change and a cough. Generally, these symptoms would improve in a short period time if it was only a cold.
With chronic laryngitis, the symptoms become more frequent as time passes; and if left untreated, vocal problems such as hoarse voice, raspy voice, loss of range and pitch and even complete voice loss, will begin to occur. This follows with even more severe coughing, sore throat, and breathing difficulties.


If your chronic laryngitis is caused by smoking, alcohol use, work-related exposures or voice overuse, your health expert will suggest you to follow the standard prevention guidelines; as well as, he/she may be referred to a speech-language pathologist (or an alternative voice specialist) for voice therapy in order to treat chronic laryngitis. There is a well-established method of universal voice/vocal health treatment (known as non-surgical voice repair) that has been developed by The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. With this alternative form of voice therapy, you will learn to use your voice correctly and how to avoid speaking (or singing) in ways that may injure your vocal cords. They will also teach you how to properly take care of your voice with the use of their unique Vocal Science Method.


At The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, Diana Yampolsky (the Master voice specialist) can teach you how to use your voice correctly and according to the standards of professional speaking/singing. Along with her unique form of speech/voice therapy, she also provides unique natural herbs and homeopathic remedies that will greatly aid in the elimination of your laryngitis symptoms like hoarse voice, raspy voice, sore throat, etc.

Source by : http://bit.ly/2tCXGqi


Alternative speech therapy for people with voice disorders

A voice/vocal disorder may cause you to feel weak and tired, causing you to become unable to speak or sing with proper clarity and conviction. An unhealthy voice may sound raspy, hoarse, husky or even squeaky. In this situation, if not properly rectified, your voice can be prone to more serious conditions like sulcus vocalis, strained vocal cords, muscle tension dysphonia, vocal cord nodules, polyps, lesions, cysts, just to name a few…

In such cases, vocal surgery may seem to be a viable solution, although, it should not be the first option. Surgical intervention to the human voice has high risks that could lead to complications such as further vocal damage and even complete voice loss. With that said, there are also alternative forms of speech therapy that can be conducted non-invasively. Alternative voice therapy also adheres to the same goal as general speech therapy – to help you improve and build a strong healthy clear voice that meets and even exceeds your speaking/singing capabilities.

What is a voice disorder?

There are mainly two types of voice disorders with different causes and symptoms:

1) Behavioral voice disorders mainly arise from abuse or misuse of the vocal mechanism (vocal cords/voice box). Individuals with high vocal demands like singers, teachers and actors are very susceptible to straining their voice/vocal anatomy, thus causing damage to their vocal box which will negatively affect the sound of their voice.

2) Organic voice disorders arises from problems with vocal physiology (vocal cords/voice box physical incapability). Any kind of damage to the nerves or soft tissues related to the vocal box makes your voice sound abnormal, causing speech/singing difficulty which results in the sufferer not being able to use their voice(s) to their full potential…or (in some cases) not at all. Degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease are commonly accompanied by such voice disorders.

Treatment through voice therapy.

If you have a voice disorder, it is always a good idea to visit an ENT specialist to determine if there are any medical factors that need to be treated for said therapy to be successful. Voice therapy ranges widely according to the speaker’s voice diagnosis. While committing to alternative voice therapy instruction and treatments, your voice specialist will be able to teach you new techniques to increase your vocal power without straining your vocal anatomy.

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair brings their expertise from years of professional practice, working with patients with all kinds of communication and vocal difficulties. They will ensure a superior service based on knowledge, expertise and experience.

Source by : http://bit.ly/2tm7IvQ