Chronic Laryngitis, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment!

In laryngitis, the laryngeal mucous membrane is swollen, congested and coated with mucus. Chronic laryngitis occurs as a result of repeated attacks of acute laryngitis. The larynx is responsible for producing voice, laryngitis naturally affects the voice of the individual.

Causes of laryngitis:

A variety of factors can cause laryngitis like, for example, excessive use of the voice, especially in a polluted atmosphere, often leads to chronic laryngitis. Heavy smoking, exposure to chemicals, poisonous fumes and harmful gases can also cause this disorder. Complications from the flu, chronic acid reflux and other respiratory diseases (such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis and the common cold) can also cause chronic laryngitis.


Common symptoms of chronic laryngitis include:

  • Hoarseness of the voice
  • Irritation of the throat
  • Change or loss of voice
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Pain in throat


Treatment for laryngitis is aimed at the underlying cause and will vary. Your doctor may prescribe decongestants, pain relievers, or steroid injection; or sometimes, they may also refer you to a speech therapist. In turn, the alternative voice therapy can be extremely effective to heal a variety of voice disorders as well as preserve a lasting healthy voice.

Alternative voice therapy could also be effective for vocal cord swelling, lesions and cysts.

Chronic laryngitis, when correctly diagnosed, is very responsive to the treatment techniques developed at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Many patients get very fast relief from their symptoms. While they don’t promise any miracles, they still provide their patients with very fast relief of the nasty symptoms… and, for the most times, even with the cure for their patients’ voice/vocal disorders.

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Get The Right Treatment For Your Injured Vocal Cords Using Alternative Voice Therapy.

Vocal cord(s) paralysis, also known as vocal cord paresis, is when one or both cords are unable to move. This form of voice disorder can obviously cause a great impact on the life of the sufferer while it be with respect to their job, relationships, natural social interactions and/or leisure time activities.

Patients with injured vocal cords typically face several problems which include:

  • Changes to the voice- it becomes more breathy like a loud whisper
  • Hoarseness or raspiness
  • Changes in vocal pitch
  • Noisy breathing
  • Throat pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing solids or liquids
  • Voice volume may be affected- the patient may not be able to raise their voice

Treatment of injured vocal cords:

Treatment of vocal cord(s) paralysis depends on a variety of factors, including what caused it, how severe the symptoms are, and how long they have been present. The patient may be advised to have voice therapy, surgery or both.

There is a alternative form of voice therapy that is the equivalent of physical therapy for large muscle paralysis. The voice specialist asks the patient/client to do some special exercises to strengthen their vocal cords, control while speaking and prevent unusual tensions in other muscles near the affected vocal cord(s).

With that said, this specialized form of voice therapy can be obtained at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. With their unique specialized speech and singing program, coupled with the use of natural herbs and homeopathic remedies, you will see a definitive improvement in the quality of your voice (depending on severity level of your vocal cord problems). After just a few sessions, you will feel that you are producing sound in a more efficient and healthy way.

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