Laryngitis or swelling of the vocal box is a condition where there is inflammation of the larynx. Laryngitis which persists beyond three weeks is considered as chronic. Laryngitis could occur in both acute and chronic forms.

Picture2Acute laryngitis is not a serious problem and will resolve itself on their own in (maximum) two weeks. Typically, it is an illness which produces hoarseness and a sore throat. In several cases, it is often caused by an upper respiratory tract infection. However, a persistent or intense form of laryngitis may point out to an underlying condition that needs to be solved, such as bronchitis, gastroesophageal reflux, throat cancer, and etc. The listed above conditions could be a cause of more severe cases of chronic laryngitis.

Once chronic laryngitis develops, it is usually a long-term problem, especially in those people who continue to smoke, consume alcohol daily, work with irritating dust or chemicals, or abuse the voice by shouting or continual loud speaking.

If smoking, alcohol use, work-related exposures or voice overuse are the cause of your chronic laryngitis, your doctor will probably recommend that you follow the standard prevention guidelines. In addition, he/she may also refer you to a voice coach or a speech-language pathologist for voice therapy. Voice therapy teaches you to use your voice correctly and to avoid speaking in ways that might injure your vocal cords.

Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair can help you to repair your voice and  prevent


your vocal box from acquiring laryngitis. They will also teach you to use your voice in line with the professional speaking/singing standards. By getting treatment from them, you will not only get the cure for laryngitis, but they will also guarantee you that your vocal issues will never be a problem again.


Regardless of how inexperienced a singer is, at some time he/she will probably need to look for a strategy that will aid recover a lost voice. It is a common misconception that one’s voice becomes hoarse after a long day of use. Most people are not aware that they are misusing their voice in these instances. Much like everything else, there is also a proper way or technique to voice usage and, if followed in the right way, these symptoms should not occur. Often times, people lost their voice or develop nodules with improper voice technique or subsequently develop it through misusing or stressing their voice. Another common reason is improper voice technique during an illness to indemnify for a weakened voice. No matter whatever the reason is, timely treatment for lost voice is suggested to avoid a permanent damage to your voice.


The gold standard non-surgical treatment for lost voice is voice therapy from a qualified vocal therapist. A voice therapist is one who has attained a specific voice training in voice therapy. These specialists work with the patients to improve their method of voice production and remove harmful vocal habits. In addition to this, they also design custom speech exercises and a treatment plan, keeping in mind the patient’s individual issues and capabilities.

If you are also facing the same issue and thinking how to heal my voice, contact with a speech therapist at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Whether you have any kind of vocal disorder, voice problems or any other vocal health issues, they assure you to provide an effective treatment and a healthy voice.