How To Get Your Voice Back – Embrace The Process.

Step 1.

  • Identify the vocal problem itself in order to get your voice back.

Perhaps, you have noticed that your voice (Speaking and/or singing) is not working in the same capacity as it once was. Obviously you are puzzled and concerned. At this point, you have to come to terms that something is not the same and begin to accept that fact.


Step 2.

  • Identify the cause of such occurrence.

Please try to analyze what could have caused your voice problem in the first place. Please try to “rewind” all the possible facts, which could have lead to such an ordeal. You might think of any medical/surgical procedures you might have undergone in the not very distant past. You might think of a ball game you might have attended with your kids, or a concert of your Idol singing.

In this instance, you would possibly be able to recall how excited you were then, during the events, & how loud you were cheering for the performers in the field.

Also, it probably would not hurt to look at your personal relationship with your spouse and your children. Have you been shouting a lot lately? Have you, perhaps, been under a lot of stress at work and/or at home?

All of the above factors (and many others) could easily aid to a voice problem. When you are in the moment, you are not paying attention how loud you speak or scream. The consequences will haunt you later.

Step 3.

  • Do not ‘sugarcoat’ your feelings; rather, embrace it with a grain of sault.

That alone will help you immensely to get your voice back in a fast and efficient manner.

When you start experiencing some changes in your voice, please DO NOT pretend that nothing happened and do not convince yourself that it is just temporary and you will feel better tomorrow. Unfortunately, you might not feel better tomorrow, as the damage has already been done and it will not go away on its own.

It might require some further investigation and medical (or alternative) assistance.

Step 4.

  • Outline your goal for the best possible recovery of your vocal problem and enjoy getting there.

Once you are able to face the fact that you do have a vocal problem, please embrace this fact and outline the goal to get your voice back. It might, not necessarily, be an easy road, but please try to enjoy the process towards achieving your main goal – getting your voice back.

How To Attend To Vocal Cord Paralysis – What Could Be The Causes?

Mainly, vocal cord paralysis occurs after related (and unrelated) surgeries such as, for example: Thyroid removal surgery, spinel fusion and even simple surgical procedures that require surgical intubation (Tracheotomy) (LINK). Often, those tubes are inserted incorrectly and, as a result, the vocal cord(s) could be damaged and/or paralyzed.

The voice could be easily jeopardized if you have experienced stroke, or even unrelated surgeries, for example, due to even any accident, which requires surgical procedure.

Of course if (God forbid) the sufferer had any growths like tumor, or even a simple nodule or polyp on a vocal cord, removal of any of the above could easily cause vocal damage and vocal cord(s) paralysis.

The Vocal Science™ technique is the only alternative way, which could dramatically improve ones’ speech and even singing voice for that matter.

The Vocal Science method is a holistic and alternative approach to voice mechanics.

By the virtue of fact, the method suggests to remove the pressure of the sound from he vocal cords and lift the voice to the alternative muscles, which once put to work together in full conjunction and coordination, will amplify the sound 4 to 5 times over and will employ the wholesome vocal mechanism to work in its fullest capacity and with no pain or strain on the vocal anatomy.

The space on the bottom of the throat is also released and thus, allows the room for the natural herbal and homeopathic remedies to work in the full force, which will greatly aid to the patients’ voice/vocal recovery.

Vocal Strain – What Does It Mean?


Vocal Strain means that the voice was misused or abused in more ways then one.

Sometimes, just regular people end up abusing their voices without being aware of doing so. Some of them are speaking a lot and speaking very forcefully; almost screaming instead of speaking.

They do get tired by the end of the day, but in the morning, they start all over again. Also, if their work requires them to speak on the phone all day, or to teach classes/courses, that’s where the vocal strain may occur; (and sometimes, to the point when they may lost their voice completely). Sometimes, the vocal strain could produce some growths (like nodules or polyps) on the vocal cords. That’s where the “alarm should go off”, so to speak.

Now we are talking about the growth on the vocal cords, which, by itself, is a very serious matter. Either surgically, or preferably non-surgically, any growth has to be eliminated. We know the cases where such growth left not to be treated for a while, turn to being cancerous.

As for singers, due to the lack of the proper technique, they could also acquire serious problems onto their vocal anatomy. Outside of provoking a growth on their Vocal Cords , they could also end up with Muscle Tension Dysphonia, or even Spasmodic Dysphonia. Very often, the vocal cords strained could lead to a vocal disorder such as solcus vocalis (enlarged gap between the vocal cords). The vocal cords are so strained that they cannot come back to their original state.

Often, the speaker or singer sounds quite hissy and breathy, which is the first symptom of the above aforementioned vocal disorder. To avoid all of those vocal issues, the singers should adapt such technique, which promotes the safety, health and longevity of one’s voice.

The regular people and the professional people who require extensive use of their voices, should be always on guard with respect to how they use their voice; try to speak less and speak not very loud.

If you, the reader, do notice any changes with your speaking and, or singing voice, stop immediately and assess the situation.

Don’t let it go unnoticeably. It may lead you to endanger your voice and even to the complete loss of voice.


Please love it and preserve it for life!

Why My Voice Sounds Raspy?

Hoarseness is a term that describes some uncommon changes in your voice. When hoarse, your voice may sound strained, breathed or raspy, or there may be some changes in your pitch volume. These changes in your voice are due to some changes in your vocal cords which are a part of your sound producing parts of the voice box. In your breathing, there is no role of your vocal cords, but when you speak these cords come together and as air leaves the lungs. Then vibrate and produce sounds. Any type of unusual changes like swelling or lumps in the cords prevents them coming together properly and changes the way the cords vibrate. This changes your voice, voice pitch and volume.

What Are The Causes?

Acute Laryngitis: There are many causes of hoarseness. Some remain for a long time while some are not very serious and goes away in a short period of time. The most common cause for a raspy voice is laryngitis that occurs due to swelling from upper respiratory tract viral infection, a common cold, or irritation caused by excessive voice use like screaming at a sporting event or rock concert.

Vocal Nodules: More prolonged hoarseness in your voice is due to either using your voice too much, too loudly or for extended periods of time. These habits can lead to vocal nodules, which are callous-like growths or vocal polyps (more swelling on cords). These both types of problems are benign and are common in both children and young who raise their voice during work or play.

Gastroesophageal Reflux: A common cause of your harsh voice is gastro-esophageal reflux when the stomach acids come up and causes irritation in your vocal cords. Most of the people don’t have heartburn while this and may have a sensation of a lump or mucus in their throat or a frequent desire of clearing their throat.

Smoking: Smoking is another cause of hoarseness. A long-term smoker’s voice may deepen and rough. Since smoking is the cause of a throat cancer, if smokers are hoarse, they should consult with an otolaryngologist.

Some other unusual things that cause hoarse voice are allergies, thyroid problems, trauma to the voice box and much more. 

The treatment of your Raspy Voice depends on the cause. Most hoarseness can be treated by simply resting your voice and modifying the way how it is used. The otolaryngologist may give you some recommendations about your voice use behavior or refer the patient to other speech pathologists, and in some critical instances, they can recommend surgery. However, using voice therapy is the best and safe way to treat your harsh voice. The speech pathologist may teach the patients to alter their method of speech production, thus improve the sound of the voice and resolve the problems, such as vocal nodules.
