How to fix a hoarse voice and recover your vocal anatomy?

Sometimes, one can experience an abnormal change in his/her voice. This is generally caused by irritation or injury to the vocal folds. Such a voice may have changes in pitch and volume ranging from a harsh voice to a weak and raspy voice. Not many people are aware of this, but hoarseness can be caused by a variety of conditions. Misuse or overuse of voice (such as yelling or loud talking) can be one of the major causes of this problem. Vocal folds are a very delicate organ and people have been misusing them in several ways. And, in some cases, the abuse happens on a daily basis. Yelling or shouting is really exhausting and also takes lot of work to boot. A lot of voice misuse is being done more so nowadays than in the past and that’s why, not surprisingly, vocal abuse is on the rise. Simply visit a local club, where loud music is played and people are shouting loudly in order to be heard.

So, it could be a symptom of vocal abuse if you have been experiencing a hoarse and raspy voice or persistent sore throat (which will not go away on its own). Many clients, who complain about one or both of these problems, are told that they don’t have any physical problem. To secure your vocal anatomy, it’s important to take care of your voice and know how to use it wisely. There is no cure and no magic pill to stop the abuse. If your speaking voice is important to you, either personally or professionally, you must know how to use is correctly according to professional standards. The Non-conventional Vocal Science™ technique would be of great help once you start with practicing the fundamentals appropriately. Much like physical therapy, over a series of sessions, some progressive exercises are taught for specific vocal needs like singing, prolonged talking and more. These exercises are tailored specifically to client’s needs.

Now, how to fix a hoarse voice, when the problem as already occurred? Firstly, stop pushing your voice hard from your throat and do not leave this problem to change for the worst. If you have bruised your vocal anatomy and it’s not functioning well, try not to overload your vocal cords further. The treatment of hoarseness depends on its cause. Your vocal box can be treated with alternative and holistic means implementing the non-surgical voice repair approach using the power of Vocal Science. With the application of herbal remedies, your vocal problems can be resolved that much faster and without the need for surgery. Please embrace this approach and you will you will opt for a full recovery with much greater assurance.

Throat nodules: Symptoms, causes and non-surgical treatment

Voice problems always occur with a change in voice. If you often complain about hoarseness, roughness or raspy quality, rest assured, you most likely have vocal disorder. Probably, the most common cause of a lost or croaky voice is its misuse. Unfortunately, many people never give a thought on what role the vocal cords have with respect of voice production. Experts have estimated that approximately 7.5 million people in the U.S. have trouble with using their voices. Voices are taken for granted; therefore, about 1 in 3 people have their voices affected by hoarseness. This may persist for weeks, especially when no rest is given to their voices. Sometimes, this becomes a more serious problem that needs medical or therapeutic attention.

Like any part of your body, vocal cords are susceptible to strain. Throat nodules arise as a result of trauma to the vocal box. Singers, teachers, lawyers, public speakers, sales people and many other professionals use their voices for work. Some shout or scream excessively while others use their voices all day long during their work hours. This puts them at risk for developing throat nodules and other voice disorders. When the voice changes and becomes hoarse, most of these professionals, inadvertently try to compensate by trying even harder to get their message out. Even a single episode of trauma requires over several days of voice rest. But, unfortunately, these episodes are often repeated unknowingly and this aggravates the problem further.

In the past, surgery was usually the treatment of choice. However, the surgeries to remove nodules often had bad outcomes. Giving vocal nodules a reputation of being ‘carrier killer’, surgeries made the voices worse than they were before operative interference.

In their acute stage, nodules cannot be treated alone with rest. In a case when trauma occurs repeatedly, Vocal Science’s unique vocal mechanics technique is the first choice for safe and effective treatment. This non-surgical way of treatment involves vocal and physical exercises coupled with behavioral changes. Designed to restore efficient vocal function, these exercises will resolve throat nodule symptoms and other growths on the throat or the vocal cords; thus will help you attain the best possible voice and to retain it for a lifetime.

Polyps on vocal cords: How to treat these non-surgically?

Sometimes, vocal abuse or misuse of voice causes polyps, nodules and other benign, non-cancerous growths on your vocal cords. As a result, the suffer experiences a variety of symptoms including hoarseness, voice and body fatigue, pain in the neck, the harshness of voice and more. At other times, the person may also experience that his/her voice has gone scratchy/ rough and the pitch range has decreased. Generally, people give no attention to these symptoms, thinking that these will heal naturally on their own. When the problem worsens and continues for weeks, they take some more time to figure it out and later on consider medical help and also alternative sources.

Polyps appear as swelling or blister-like lesion on vocal cords and can take a number of forms. Appearing on either one or both of vocal folds, these are the outcomes of vocal trauma without periods of rest. Now, what does vocal trauma actually mean? It simply means that you’re either using your voice too much, too loud and simply incorrectly. The singers who use their voice too loud are more likely to have polyps on vocal folds. Some others who use their voice in bad environments like noisy bar, smoky club or large rooms on a regular basis, also experience the devastating results of vocal trauma. Even a single traumatic event to vocal cords like yelling at a concert, may give rise to polyps. While a majority of people chose to ignore even when there is a change in their voice delivery, they don’t even know that it’s the time to give rest to their voice. Instead, the voice is pushed harder until some drastic or unbearable situation arises. Undoubtedly, everyone needs to understand that the voice is precious and something that must be used gently and appropriately.

If polyps have affected your voice, you can get these treated medically/surgically, non-surgically and/or even just behaviorally. When polyps become very large or exist for a long time, people prefer to remove them with surgical treatment. However, this approach comes with a risk factor and sometimes may create more issues in the future.

There are several people who have received behavioral intervention and have reported positive results. In fact, afterwards, many of them have learned how to speak or sing professionally without straining their vocal cords and so, have secured their voices for life. The aforementioned non-surgical treatment is based on the concept of relaxing your vocal cords and using them correctly, alongside treating polyps with herbal remedies. When you learn good vocal hygiene, stop vocal abusive behaviors, and continue with same, you will be able to use your voice properly. In this revolutionary voice repair program, you are also taught stress reduction techniques and relaxation exercises, so that you would learn about the right voice application and how you would implement it in your actual speaking and singing.

Do you feel that your voice is raspy? Consider non-surgical voice repair treatment.

At times, people feel some hoarseness or an abnormal change in their voice. Whenever the voice is hoarse, it sounds breathy and raspy and you feel some strain and other changes in your voice. These changes in your voice can occur from excessive and incorrect singing, as well as overuse or misuse of voice or some medical disorders. The reason of this medical disorder may be gastro-esophageal reflux disease, cold, upper respiratory tract viral infection and some other unusual causes. Anyone can face such a problem but the main concern that is that the person is unable to speak or sing in a proper way.

Most of the times, people think that this problem will be resolved on its own by resting their voice. But, the situation suggests otherwise. There are no improvements and people start considering medical help from doctors. However, the first necessary step is to know the root cause of this situation and eliminate that behavior which causes it.

Hoarseness due to cold, flu or any other general reason may be evaluated by your family physician. But, if this raspy voice lasts more than two weeks it should be evaluated by an ENT specialist. These voice problems are managed in an expert way by the voice experts who have a deep understanding and knowledge about the voice functions. These experts are otolaryngologist, singing professionals or speech/language practitioners.

The treatment of hoarseness can vary due to their cause. Most of the hoarseness can be treated only by rest or modifying the way that it is used. The otolaryngologist may suggest you about voice usage behavior, and in some instances they recommend vocal surgery if there is a lesion in your vocal cord, such as polyp is identified.

Such surgical procedures are not comfortable and could bring serious health risks. An ideal solution is to repair your voice with non-surgical voice repair and therapy. No matter what your vocal problem is, it is possible to resolve it by applying this revolutionary vocal repair method. With this method, there are also natural herbs and remedies are used to purify and strengthen the vocal box and vocal cords. Thus cleanliness of vocal anatomy is also included in the treatment of the raspy voice. Once the voice is lifted, structured and projected, those natural herbs become more effective. After this speech pathologists or voice therapists train the patients to have a right vocal behavior and teach them to alter the way of their speech production and to improve the sound quality of the singing voice.

After the treatment is complete, the patients learn not only how to speak or sing in line with the professional speaking or singing standards, but they are also assured of the safety of their speaking and singing voice for a lifetime.